Do You Start With Why or How?
It comes to us naturally, without forethought. Our way of looking at the world isn’t something we typically question. It just is. We accept it and expect that others will do the same. In fact, we may...
View ArticleOh, the Noise, Noise, NOISE!
By guest blogger Renee Calvert The whinnying horse was a new one. Because our office is located in a busy business park with several doctor’s offices, a community center and an active neighborhood...
View ArticleLetting Go of the Little Things
Get over it. If there’s something coming between you and a friend, relative, co-worker or neighbor, you’ve got to ask yourself: “Is this really big enough to matter?” Chances are you will have to say...
View ArticleWhat’s Your Problem?
You can’t craft good solutions until you completely and correctly pinpoint your problem. Solving something (anything!) is a thinking trap that makes us feel productive when, in fact, we are choosing...
View ArticleHow Leaders Solve Problems by Asking Why? and How?
Some of us start by asking “How.” Others start with “Why.” But this is the blueprint that works best. It’s how leaders solve problems by asking BOTH “Why” and “How.” For each us, part of this comes...
View ArticleCraft Good Solutions by Getting to the Root
You can’t craft good solutions until you completely and correctly pinpoint your problem. Solving something (anything!) is a thinking trap that makes us feel productive when, in fact, we are choosing...
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